Croeso i Blwyddyn 4
Welcome to Year 4
Miss Mead is the class teacher.
Miss Burns is the class assistant.
Our topic is: Brazil
This term, year 4 will be focusing on:
Topic: Brazil
We will be learning about the:
This term, Y4 will be partnering with Y5 to find out about the following topics:
Maths: Fractions
Literacy: Persuasion
Science: Habitats
Welsh: Conversation
Here are a list of daily do's that you can have a go at when you are at home:
Useful Websites: (Sumdog maths) (music maker) (maths games) (Welsh games) (Listening to stories) (times tables practise)
Monday | Books returned to school £1. for fruit for the week |
Tuesday | PE - Tennis / Dance Choir after school |
Wednesday | Guitars |
Thursday | Netball/gardening after school |
Friday | Books sent home