Welcome to Year 1
Croeso i Blwyddyn 1
Miss Ashford is your teacher.
Mr Williams helps you too.
Here is a timetable of our weekly routines:
Day | Activity |
Monday | Reading books returned to school. Forest School- please ensure children are dressed suitably. Warm clothes, gloves and hats in the cold weather, wellies etc. |
Tuesday | |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday | Reading books to be sent home- please take time to share the book with your child. |
Our learning for this term is "Our Community - People Who Help Us." We have planned with Miss Ashford what we want to find out about.
We are going to invite in many visitors who can tell us about their jobs - a firefighter, a nurse, a doctor, a coastguard, a builder, a cook and a librarian.
In Literacy, we will be recording our learning about People Who Help Us. We will be learning to recognise letter sounds and blend simple CVC words.
In Maths, we will be counting, learning to recognise numbers, looking at shapes and comparing lengths.
In science, children will observe how leaves change. Children will work outdoors to collect leaves that are healthy, leaves that have recently fallen from their trees and leaves in various states of decomposition. We will enjoy exploring Autumn. We will also be carrying out a science investigation on how easily germs spread.
In Health and Well Being we will be learning to explore our emotions and our P.E for this term will be dance.
We will be learning about the festivals of Diwali and Christmas.
You will be updated regularly on the children’s learning through our Class Dojo.