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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2 

Croeso I Blwyddyn 2



Mr Jones is your teacher.

Miss Mauchline helps you too. 



£1 fruit money

Reading books and records returned to school

Outdoor learning - wear or bring in appropriate clothing (coats and sensible footwear essential!)


PE  - wear appropriate clothing. No tights please, children will need to be bare foot during hall sessions.

New reading books will be given out. We would really appreciate you taking the time to listen and read with your child to expose them as often as possible.

This term's topic

Grab a magnifying glass, put on your deerstalker and change your name to Sherlock because we’re going to become street detectives!

This half term, we’ll follow a route around our local streets and take pictures of the buildings, businesses and plants we can see. Talking to residents about the area will help us understand how the local community could be improved. We’ll learn nursery rhymes, write poetry and create persuasive adverts. Looking at photographs will help us to spot any similarities and differences between the houses and shops of today and the past. We’ll find out about the history of our school and talk to former pupils about their experiences. We’ll also study and draw maps, create a model of a local building, draw portraits of the people we have met and look at the work of urban artists.

At the end of our project, we’ll design posters to advertise a ‘Big spring clean’ around school before cleaning and tidying the school grounds.


If you would like to help your child prepare for their project
Become street detectives and explore your local community. Why not visit a local museum to see what the local area was like in days gone by? You could also look up at the roofs of local buildings to spot interesting carvings and chimney shapes. Alternatively, read the book A Street Through Time by Steve Noon together to see how one street has changed over thousands of years.
