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Nursery a.m.

Welcome to Morning Nursery

Mrs Meredith is your class teacher and Miss Lewis and Miss Purcell are here to help too.


Puddles and Rainbows



In the Puddles and Rainbows project, your child will learn about the weather associated with the season of spring. They will explore natural phenomena, including rainbows, clouds, rain and wind. They will explore colours found in the natural environment and learn how to mix primary colours to make new colours.

We will also be learning about special times this term. We will explore Chinese New Year, Eid, St David's Day and Easter.



Weekly timetable


Monday - £1 Milk and Fruit money please.

Brynmelyn Park Visit: please ensure all children are dressed suitably. Warm clothes, gloves and hats in the cold weather, wellies etc.  


Wednesday - Library books to be changed and sent home.


Thursday - P.E. please wear clothes that are suitable, for example joggers, t-shirt and trainers


