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Nursery a.m.

Welcome to Morning Nursery

Mrs Meredith is your class teacher and Miss Lewis is here to help too.


People Who Help Us



Our learning for this term is "Our Community - People Who Help Us." We have planned with Mrs. Meredith what we want to find out about.

We are going to invite in many visitors who can tell us about their jobs - a firefighter, a nurse, a doctor, a coastguard, a builder, a cook and a librarian.


In Literacy, we will be learning lots of rhymes, playing listening games and recording our learning about People Who Help Us.

In Maths, we will be counting, learning to recognise numbers, looking at shapes and comparing lengths.

Our Science investigations will be about autumn leaves and investigating if all leaves are the same. We will then investigating how we make bread.

In Health and Well Being we will be learning to explore our emotions and our P.E for this term will be dance.

We will be learning about the festivals of Diwali and Christmas. 


You will be updated regularly on the children’s learning through our Class Dojo. 



Weekly timetable


Monday - £1 Milk and Fruit money please.

Brynmelyn Park Visit: please ensure all children are dressed suitably. Warm clothes, gloves and hats in the cold weather, wellies etc.  


Wednesday - Library books to be changed and sent home.


Thursday - P.E. please wear clothes that are suitable, for example joggers, t-shirt and trainers



If you have any queries, please contact Mrs Meredith using the contact form below.

Your reply will be sent to the e-mail provided.
